Ibm pharma
For better health

An integrated company and scientific office in the manufacturing and marketing of medicines, nutritional supplements and cosmetics
10+Years of our presence in Upper Egypt
7+Years of our presence in Cairo
6+A year in Ismaila, Beheira and the Delta

About Us

We started on October 1, 2014 in Upper Egypt in Minya Governorate, then Assiut, Sohag, Qena, and Luxor, then Fayoum and Beni Suef, then Cairo in August 2017, and finally the Delta and Ismailia in August 2018.

Our services

1-Free testing service for minerals and vitamins

IBM Pharma is a leading Egyptian company in the production of nutritional supplements, cosmetics, and therapeutic drugs in Egypt. Since the company was established in 2014, it aspires to distinguish Egyptian food products and seeks, with steady, well-planned steps, to expand globally with its high-quality exports, as the company works to communicate Permanently in all medical and social places for a better healthy life and based on the vision of IBM Pharma.– One of the leading Egyptian national companies in the industries of functional foods, nutritional supplements and therapeutic drugs in Egypt – and its societal role in supporting the health and educational system. The company has launched free awareness campaigns since 2016 AD to combat iron deficiency anemia for all adults and children, as UNICEF and World Health Organization reports indicated. The rate of anemia resulting from iron deficiency in Egypt for adults is 30%and children: 58%, meaning that one out of every three adults in Egypt, and one out of every two children in Egypt, suffers from malnutrition anemia. The free service includes a comprehensive examination of all minerals and vitamins associated with malnutrition problems in the body without withdrawal. A blood sample using the latest medical equipment, as part of spreading health awareness among all Egyptians.
As more than 250,000 Egyptians have been examined so far, at the level of 26 governorates throughout the Republic, in cooperation with hospitals, clinics and pharmacies.

Our services

2- Free examination service for fat, muscle and water percentage

Out of IBM Pharma's keenness and concern for better health for all Egyptians, the company purchased the latest equipment and conducted free examinations in various governorates in cooperation with hospitals, clinics and pharmacies to detect obesity diseases and subsequent chronic diseases such as high blood pressure and diabetes.

The most important nutritional supplements

The most important cosmetics

حجز موعد
متصل، إنه سهل.

يرجى ملء النموذج أدناه وسنقوم بتحديد موعد لك، أو يمكنك فقط الاتصال بمقرنا الرئيسي وتحديد موعدك عن طريق مكالمة.


    تلبية لدينا رهيبة الخبراء

    قدرتنا على تقديم نتائج متميزة لعملائنا
    يبدأ مع فريق الخبراء لدينا.

    إليزابيث فولك

    إليزابيث فولك, M.D is a highly
    الطبيب الرحيم.

    ريتشارد لوي

    لقد أظهر الدكتور لوي
    القدرة على تقديم كاملة.

    ميشيل لوفتين

    الدكتور لوفتين مختص وحيوي
    وطبيب متخصص للغاية.


    قبلت تأمين
    مقدمي الخدمات

    إذا لم يكن التأمين خيارًا، فستبلغ تكلفة زيارتك الأولى 90 دولارًا أمريكيًا، إذا تم الدفع نقدًا، ويتم قبول مجموعة متنوعة من خطط الدفع


    ليس لديك تأمين؟ انقر هنا
